Tuesday 27 July 2010


You know when you unpack a huge bag, and it just goes everywhere? Then you wonder how the mountain of useless stuff you had in the bag actually managed to squeeze into it in the first place?
I am still in that state.

I'm onto my second full day of being at home, and to be quite honest with you, it's freaking me out how free I am. I don't have to do *anything* if I don't want to. I could just sleep all day, which would really be lovely, but I have decided to be productive. By watching films, reading, and writing.

Oh, and editing through 1:28:30 of video clips from Canada. Yes, that's right, almost and HOUR AND A HALF. I mean, what am I going to do with that?!?! A series! That's what! Don't get your hopes up now though, it may take the whole of the summer to get the production value just into the amateur category.

I currently have a looming pile of clean and not quite folded any-more laundry/clothes sitting on my desk chair. It's high enough to beat the height of the stereo on my desk. Just imagine that. I can't show you; it's too embarrassing, and it gives you something to do whilst reading this. Success! An Active reader! I can see my Hufflepuff tie sticking out at the bottom of the pile though, reminding me of how AWESOME the Ontario Science Museum display of Harry Potter artefacts was. I LOVE YOU ALAN RICKMAN. Just getting that out there, incase you didn't know already. Why is he 64? WHY?!?!

*cough* Moving on...
The top on the top (hehehe) is a lime green GM2010 top that Denise and the group bought me for my birthday at the camp. It's AMAZING, and I can't wait to wear it. Although, I'll probably just wear it to bed.

I have music, sitting there, screaming at me to be listened to.
I have clothes, sitting there, screaming at me to be worn, blogged about, talked about, to feel good wearing.

Overall, I'm really excited about being home, because it feels right, I feel settled.
In another way, I feel slightly crazy because I have lots of freedom and opportunities ahead for me.

Sorry for this not being a very good post, when I've done videos and photos, I shall hopefully write on here about our fantastic week touring in Ontario :D

Stay adventurous,


  1. SO GOOD TO SEE YOU HOME. Sat on the sofa next to me!

  2. when I unpack, stuff never gets put away until like a month later :P

  3. you can now sing the song "i`m busy doing nothing, nothing at all, all day , trying to find lots of things not to do"

  4. Glad to see you made it home all safe Haze! <3 missing you here in Canada

    - Kate
