Thursday 15 July 2010


"What is the World?" by Brittany Roberts

A thousand pieces to the puzzle
Try to put it together

Love is bright, vibrant
Start, stop, beating like a heart
Full of feelings I don't understand
'I love you' is the strongest part

Flowing merrily on its way
Which way does the flow of time go?
Time is relevant, never to stay
And the trickle of water slows.

Sun shines through the branches
As wind blows softly through the trees
Leave me undisturbed
In this sense of quiet peace.

The chatter of girls drifts through

Giggles and screams and shock

Society at work as the volume grew

So difficult not to mock

As I listen a little closer
I hear the cicada's scream
A tiny siren whistling
Sounds to a perfect summer scene

As the waves crash upon the shore
Dissolving into the sand
A million tiny grains, a mosaic
Of watery pieces of land

The sky is blue, the clouds are white
As they drift steadily across
Along with the quick, cool summer breeze
As stray leaves fly and toss

A small, white butterfly skitters along
A symbol of tranquility
To see what will become of it, what the fututre holds
Now that would be a sight to see
The call of a bird whispers true
An un decipherable sound
I watch as it flaps its wings
Up and down, up and down
The sun is bright, its warmth is strong
The power of life and love
There are those who complain, it's too hot, it's too warm
But I look upon it with awe
Hard and brittle under my feet
The twiggs and sticks crack where I step
I am reminded that nature surrounds me
Like all of the people I've met
A thousand pieces to the puzzle
Try to put it together
Because the picture you'll find
Of life and the world
Will amaze you down deep in your heart.

(It's been hard for me to get to a computer yesterday, I'll hopefully post this afternoon again with what I did yesterday :D)

Stay adventurous,

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty sweet. You spelled wind as wund though.

