Monday 25 October 2010

I haven't stopped travelling altogether

I promise, but this blog did stop as soon as I was grounded at home.

I really miss being in that Media trailer, writing about what I had done during the day at GM, with everyone around me marvelling at my ability to be English (which I've been practising for 17 years now, I think it's pretty convincing) and asking me to say things. They also stalked me on Facebook, but I didn't mind, because they were in the room with me, so they weren't strangers and everything was fantastic in that way.

I wonder where Harold is. On the last day of camp, Alana gave me this Duracell bunny, and asked me to take it home with me. Begrudgingly, I had to decline because it was impossible to take in my luggage around Canada trippin' with me, and so I took him back to the media trailer with a little note telling my friends to keep him safe and call him Harold. He was a frightfully delightful chap.
(Trying to sound extra English... LOL)

Anywhoo, I have done a little bit of travelling recently.
This week, I went down to London for the day on Friday, and just yesterday we travelled down and west a bit to see my sister, Elizabeth, because she's at university, so we went to visit. We went with my Nana and it was really lovely because I got to sit in the car and listen to music and hurtle down the roads at 100mph and watch the clouds and the trees go by. Also, Mum fell asleep in the back of the car next to me and I had a good five minute laughing session as I kept looking around at her with her jaw slowly willing itself to touch her shoulder.
So yes, I was in London on Friday with school, and I ended up being on a coach for 10 hours in total. What. An. Immense. Drain.
I've only just really recovered today from the utter fatigue, and even then I haven't really cleaned my room. Well, that's a combination of tiredness, procrastination and the inability of myself to drag my tiny little keyboard fascinated fingers away from the ever-present internet facility of my laptop. Still, I can claim that I'm tired.

We went to see Birdsong, which had been adapted from Sebastian Faulks' novel and put into a play. It was really bizzare, but I do need to think about it properly and perhaps less critically as I do actually have to write a review for it for my Literature class when I go back to school.

Other than that, my travelling is fairly ordinary; to and from school everyday, to Cadets and Guides which is within walking distance of approx. 3 minutes from home, to Piano which is a short, 15 minute drive away, and to Choir on a Friday which is in the centre of Durham; a ten-minute walk into town and a bit to get there.

Once I have finished school, I'm packing up and hopefully going on a mighty adventure for three weeks. I shall let you all know if my application has been successful, because I have 6 days to go until I might find out! I'm unbelievably excited for this opportunity, and will keep a huge, written diary for myself and yourselves if I go.

Until then, you can have this quote which has been floating about in my head since I went to Stratford on the 14th July.

"To die would be an awfully big adventure" - Peter Pan.

Stay adventurous,


  1. Ahahaha... I love that quote too! But please don't die! (hug)

    I also do not know what happened to Harold... I wonder as well.

    Best of luck on your upcoming adventure! I miss-eth thee. <3

  2. So I just randomly decided to look at your blog, and low and behold - a post! From this week! Talk about good timing :) Anyways, I miss you all!!!!

