Tuesday 13 July 2010

Finally a Dancing Queen

Young and sweet only SEVENTEEN! *cue hand actions and dancing*
I woke up to find baloons and a banner attached to our tent and the other tents on our campsite this morning; Helen and Lisa had got up really early to do them. They are amazing :D

Denise had brought this massive, velvet hat, with CANDLES on the top for me to wear (supposedly all day, we all know that wasn't going to happen) and I wore it to breakfast just to please Denise and the rabble that couldn't be calmed without me stuffing it on my head. They had also collected various bits of Canada merch from people around the camp, and that was a lovely surprise! I have a gloriously large CAN-ADA hoodie now (the zip goes between :P) and it's RED!
Today, at camp, it was Eco day. We were all absolutely shattered, but we travelled down to the Island for the day anyway. I kept seeing Lisa and Rebecca throughout the day, and they gave me the most amazing birthday hugs :D
We sat as a group and listened to the woman giving a speech about how she was the "Queen of Green" and it was quite cool. After that, we sat and had a quick break and Allie and I adventured off to our first session called "Environmental Economics". I know what you're thinking... thrilling, right? It actually turned out to be fantastic, there were 3 staff members from a Canadian branch of Lush and they were so bubbly (heheh PUN) and gave two girls facials and let us smell a bunch of their lovely product(that sounds kind of dirty to me, but I can assure you, it isn't supposed to). We then toddled off to the "Reduce your ecological footprint" talk which was also pretty ace, and Alison somehow managed to find us...again.
When we were waiting for our BBQ lunch, Kyra who was stood in front of us had this little beauty resting on her bag
How lovely is that? It really brightened my day :D

We sat and baked for a while in the sun at lunch time, and Allie managed to get the cheese from her sausage in her hair, it was rather embarassing but funny to witness!
We then went back over to the stage for another talk. Unfortunately, I am unable to reveal to you here what it was about, as our group were all so shattered from our early rise and late night of giggles last night that we all just totally konked out and napped for an hour. From what I have heard, and gather, it was about a man and a woman who ran around Canada (a little bit like Eddie Izzard the English Comedian) and told little annecdotes about their times on their rather large and epic adventure.
I had another shower today, and Helen helped me to wash my hair. Denise also bought us ice-lollies and mine dripped on my leg. I now have an orange stain mid-way down my shin. Hopefully it'll come off soon, but for now, it's remaining sticky. I also found my instect-repellant wrist bands today, having not worn them the past few days, and having only been bitten twice, I decided that I might as well wear them and see if they reduce the number of annoying little fellas and gals that so love to fly around my head.
Stay adventurous and happy (for my birthday at least :D)


  1. I hope you had a happy 17th!
    My older daughter turned 17 yesterday - she's not @ Mosaic, she's working and taking a summer course for school. We missed her sister though, she was singing at the Mosaic talent show last night (Mary Poppins - one of her favorites!)
    Happy Birthday - thanks for the update - love the Monarch Butterfly!!!

  2. Well there's a birthday you won't forget in a hurry. Glad all is well. Enjoy Stratford and Niagara Falls (whenever you finally get there!)
    Keep calm and carry on!
    Mum and Dad xx

  3. What a fun-filled and very different Birthday.


  4. Wow, that is so cool that you posted the picture of the butterfly!!! ps this is Kyra
