Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Friday, 16 July 2010
It's all good in the hood
I cannot thank everyone enough for making me feel so welcome, included, and almost a celebrity over this camp.
This experience has been seriously FANTASTIC, and has made me realise that I could not actually be a celebrity at all. The fists of fury would definitely come out to play if people asked for photos and signatures everyday IRL.
Today we did a load of stuff in and around Niagra Falls.
It was awesome and I never want to forget it.
We leave camp tomorrow at half past 10 in the morning. For Quebec.
A new stage of my life has only just begun, and I would like to thank you all, collectively, for following my journey as it has been so far, and if you're discovering this after I have done this, I hope that you enjoy reading my experiences as they happened.
It really has been buckets.
Stay adventurous,
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Stratford Ahoy!
I've been asked, and I also think I personally should celebrate the fantastic work that the journalist and photography team have been doing by posting a link to the GM Buzz they have been writing whilst here! For those of you who are Face(fail)book-literate, here's a link to the official group... right here. In the left hand corner of the page is a little section that says "30-something LINKS that have been posted" just underneath the 'Photos' section of the page. From there, there are and will be links to all of the editions of the GMBuzz newsletter that have been written. For those of you who don't know how to work Facebook or even someone who is Facebook-literate, then I am sorry, but I have no official links to the GMBuzz somehow. I hope for your sakes that it works and you can keep updated with the rest of the camp.
I'm just starting to cool off now, and bits and bobs from yesterday, memory wise, are popping back into my head.
Ooh, apparently we're due a storm. That would be refreshing...please!
We were up SO early yesterday, as in 10 past 6 early. Nichola and I went to get breakfast and found that we had enough time to sit and eat our waffles and sausages before heading over to the bus depot. It was foggy and STILL SUPER EARLY when we got to the buses, and the queueing was kind of crazy. We set off eventually, and we sat at the back with Belinda and Sarah, who are awesome and we talked about Harry Potter and ALL sorts. Belinda's parents are from England, and we had a chat about Birmingham and how she needs a heck of a lot of shoes for a wedding in her family over the summer. Offsetting the awesome people was the stack of lunch boxes on the back seat next to me. Made of polystyrene. My. Worst. Nightmare.
They were squeaking and rattling and ARG! You have no idea how traumatic that was for me. Being as I was sat on the back row, I then had to pass these bad-boy-boxes off the bus for lunch time when we arrived in Stratford. It took a lot, lets just say that.
Canadian Stratford is rather starkly different to Stratford-upon-Avon in England. My English ways and means may have tainted me, but there was a quaintness apparent in England that seemed less in Shakespeare, Canada. Either way, it was a really lovely visit.
We went to the costume/set/theatre warehouse before roaming the streets of Stratford, and it was totally awesome.
The streets were calm, shops were open and everything was warm. We went to Tim Hortons and a chocolate emporium and we had some ice cream. Chocolate and Peanut Butter...nomnomnonmom!!!!
We all trapsed through the heat to the Avon Theatre and saw Peter Pan.It was a theatrical masterpiece, staging wise. I was in absolute AWE of how the wires worked so fluidly and were operated with such skill. The set was fantasmagorical and amazing. The actors were super enthusiastic, but I was a little bit unconvinced by the Scottish accent of the narrator. I guess it must be really hard to have a strong Canadian accent and put on any other accent, but actors must do that, it is their job! We spoke to the actors that played Mr & Mrs Darling afterwards and they were lovely!
When we got back to camp, which was late for an out trip (even though we were the first back) we went straight to the Island for food. We had CUTLERY. PLATES. HOT FOOD (which we have had, don't get me wrong, but these were REAL) Metal cutlery, china plates and FRIED CHICKEN things. Glorious! All of this to celebrate our leadership as Rangers. We also received these awesome Ranger bags with Dove products in. They had either realised that we are the smelliest people on the camp, and NEEDED lovely smelling things, or that we needed something just to boost up our feelings since it's been so sweaty and full of hard work helping people.
After our meal, we designed a celebrity resort and went back up to camp for a night literally full of giggles, it was great!
Today has been too warm. It is International Day, so we've spent a big chunk of time doing International Awareness sessions *and* organising our presentation for tonight! Eeep!
It's time for me to go back to the camp and fret about making cups of tea. That, and get some food.
Stay adventurous,
p.s. Please visit back tomorrow, probably late, I will try to put up pictures, they just aren't cooperating right now.
The chatter of girls drifts through
Giggles and screams and shock
Society at work as the volume grew
(It's been hard for me to get to a computer yesterday, I'll hopefully post this afternoon again with what I did yesterday :D)
Stay adventurous,
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Finally a Dancing Queen
We sat and baked for a while in the sun at lunch time, and Allie managed to get the cheese from her sausage in her hair, it was rather embarassing but funny to witness!
Monday, 12 July 2010
My shorts are wet!
I thought you lot might like to know that I finally had a wash. It was glorious. I then decided to go Kayaking with Charlotte because I had a free slot in my schedule. After we had done this
Having erased my lovely clean feeling by jumping in the grimy, slimy lake, and replaced it with a rather pongy and icky all over feeling, my neck is kind of sore, like from the water. It's all dry, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to bike up to camp and get some cream for it. These are the details that you really want to know, I know how your minds all work. I also really need to let my hair dry properly, it's gone all straggly and lame. Oh what I'd give to blow dry it somehow. No wait, I'd have to put my hat on it anyway. Darn.
Pretty photo alert:
As it is only 2:35 pm here, I haven't really done much, and probably won't be doing much for the rest of the afternoon. I might go and investigate the shop and buy some stuff, sweets, and visit the international tent to get my last few signatures to get my Taiga badge!
This is so buckets. Someone recognised my Charlieissocoollike 'I Look Better In Purple' t-shirt. I also saw someone on Saturday morning wearing an Alex Day "Pokemon What Happened to You?" shirt... I pointed and was like WOW YOU'RE SO COOL. I had no idea what to say, but she smiled and I felt goofy.
I'm going to go and sleep in my bunny-hug tonight.
Also, my hat is soaking. I'm not impressed.
Stay adventurous, beautiful and content,
Saturday, 10 July 2010
The solar showers are really creepy, they just sit there, getting tepid in the sun, but hey! If they mean I can get a wash at some point, I'm not decrying them!
Lisa and Helen washed their hair yesterday morning, apparently it was a right sight to see, and I have no idea where I was when they did this (probably in the tent, I digress) but they inform me that the pictures are hilarious.
Instead, here are the ones I have of Charlotte. She is just amazing.
I took this
Aaaaand Charlotte and Monkey!
Thank you so much for reading this, I feel really priviledged to be the online reporter! You guys are awesome :D
Friday, 9 July 2010
So, having been here for over 50 hours, I feel like I've been here for way longer... and such is the feeling with lots of camps. However, this one is blowing my mind; every hour brings something new!
We all trapsed to Darlington train station at 7:30 am to get the 8:00am train to Manchester Airport (Manchester...AIIII!) and managed to get there without a hitch! Here's us looking tired but seriously buzzing! Our uniforms are seriously snazzy, don't you think?
Our flight was delayed for an hour in the airport, but we managed to entertain ourselves with cards and my 'loosing' of my special prescription sunglasses... by buying some clip on bad boys...
The flight was pretty sweet, I didn't manage to nap as much as I kind of needed to, but the inflight films were pretty sweet (The Blind Side and Up In The Air- oh Clooney....nonmnomnonmonmnmmm) and there was a stream of Queen songs in the arm-rest so I was in a little bubble of my own. The plane food was actually scrummy, even the weird little yellow lemon pudding, despite my resistance to lemon 'flavoured' things! When we got to Toronto, it was about 2 am our time, and without sleep, we were all walking Zombies. I got quite excited because my passport was stamped :D We got on a little hopper type bus with big windows and AIR CONDITIONING and zoomed off to the Guelph Lake Area. As it was so cold in the bus/van THING, we all put on our Monty hoodies. When we arrived, we hit the wall of heat. That's right guys, 33 Degree heat...in hoodies and polo shirts! We looked rather English to say the least. Alongside our uniforms, our neckers also looked majorly mint, and still do! (People keep coming up to us and being like 'you're wearing a different necker...Are you English??!?!? "Sure I am!")
By the time we got to the camp it was like 4 am in the morning for us, but 10/11 in Canada, it was super freaky-out for my body clock. The people in the Ranger Village had put up some two man tents for us, and our little blue over the shoulder bags were filled with useful little things like a bad-donkey torch (or flashlight) and some squares bars and bottles to fill up with allsorts! Basically, we totally crashed out when we got into the tents, and without mats, we slept on the cobbles (rocks and ALL) and just let that be for a fair few hours.
When we woke up at like 6 am, I checked my phone and got dressed into my that'll do shorts (they never seem to get dirty or smelly, they are my saviours!) and my polo shirt from Poacher. It was rather serviceable!
Oh yeah, it rained. TORRENTIALLY. For like 3 hours, but then it stopped and it was cool in the air, and the rest of the day was totally awesome. Our schedules were not in our possession yesterday morning, so we all ventured down to the Island to be assigned some sort of activity... things didn't exactly go swimmingly (I didn't go swimming either...LOL) and we ended up on an awesome school bus to the Zip Line :D It was mint to say the least, and really exhillirating! I got some of the ropes tangled, but I didn't completely ruin anything! Honest! When we got off the awesome, big yellow school bus... I can't actually remember what we did. I think we ate and managed to get back up to our village. Grace is on the Transport section of the Core Crew, so she has a golf buggy. It can't travel faster than a butterfly. She whizzes past us when we're walking to the Island, and it's pretty sweet.
Back to what happened yesterday! I popped down to the Media station trailer for a meeting at 7, and everyone introduced themselves and swapped a few bits and bobs. I'm the only English one in the whole media team, but they're seriously awesome! I finally got to meet Rachel and she's really lovely! A big bunch of us ended up going to the 'Special Evening' event last night, and Kate almost vommed everywhere when the girl next to her did after eating like 7 packets of relish. Major EW! She has a strong stomach. They made me say 'Harry Potter' though, and it was quite funny, because really, my accent is not quintessentially British, but they all love to make me just say words. It's hilarious!
To today! We woke up pretty early, even though when I got back to our little Ranger village last night it was late, and everyone in our group was asleep (I just fell asleep in my day clothes...lazy but noone cares, right?) and finally got our Ranger hats! THEY'RE SO MINT! I love them :D They're like turquoise! I'm really sorry about the lack of supporting pictures, they're on this computer, but take an age to upload. I could wait, just to treat you guys, but I'm really hungry, so I think I'm going to escape to get some BBQ lunch from Alison and sit in the sun and gossip! I think it's our Theme Day today when we get back to the Village, so 70's gear ahoy! For me, this means Vintage 'Lindisfarne' top and my 'comb' shorts. When I bought them, Mum washed them and found they had a comb attached in the pocket. How useful!
Swapping is getting pretty crazy, lots of people keep approaching us and giving us pin badges and crests and cloth badges, and I keep giving out my little Monty badges that Dad and Liz helped me make, with Helen's awesome design, but the bag is seriously depleated!
Off to get some food, I hope to report back soon!
Stay adventurous,