Saturday, 26 June 2010

12 Days!

So things are getting hectic in my little life in England.
Next week, starting on Monday, I'm going on a massive adventure to Paris with our school choir and orchestra. Just before Mosaic I hear you cry? Yes, indeed. What a buzz!
We'll be singing THIS or rather, I will be singing the Alto solo in this :o I AM REALLY RATHER NERVOUS! We're singing the whole Mass (minus the Credo LOL) and it is so beautiful, I would marry it if I could. Aside from me spending every other moment preparing for this concert tour, I am also gathering bits and bobs for SWAPS and clothes I need to pack.
Like my International Necker!

Isn't it awesome? I can't wait to wear it around Canada after Mosaic and on the plane of course!

OH! Wait, what is that I hear you say again? There's MORE awesome to come in this blog? Well my friends, YOU ASSUMED CORRECTLY!

Look at that beauty! So the Royal Mint has decided to make a Centenary Coin for GirlGuidingUK, and I personally think it's fantastic. So does my Mum... and lo and behold we bought one!

Of course it cost more than 50p, we live in a silly economic climate, duh!

I hope to post sometime next weekend with any last minute preparations, but until then...
Stay adventurous!



  1. I'm psyched on your behalf. Your necker looks fab, the coin is sweet. Dr was awesome and so are you. I hope you have the best of times sister dear.


  2. I can't believe how soon it is :o Are you flying in the morning of the 8th or spending some time in Toronto or somewhere before camp?

    Have fun in Paris! That is an excellent school trip. Good luck on your solo (:

    I love your international tie - ours is this goofy-looking polyester thing xD You've got your friendship knot down pat? lol

  3. hayaz hazel (lol)!
    You'll have a great time here in Canada! the weathers supposed to be like 25-30 degrees all week long! YAAAY! i acctually happen to live in Brantford ON. so im only two hours away from the camp! hope to see you there!

  4. YAY. you're probably on the plane/at the airport right now. Good luck sweetie! HAVE FUN IN PARIS.


  5. Hey! Just wanted to stop by! I've really enjoyed reading your blogs, and I hope that I'll get to meet you at Mosaic!

  6. Hi Hazel,
    the necker looks cool ,cant wait to cu bright and early on the 8th !
