Wednesday, 29 June 2011

"As I approach you at near the speed of light, I hope I can experience the time dilation of seeing you for eternity."

It makes me really sad to see that I haven't blogged about being "out and about" for 8 months...

In all reality I've not been far in that time. Probably the furthest I've been is Birmingham when I went to the Clothes Show with school and purchased clothes and presents that I should probably write about on my "fashion" blog...

All in all my life was taken over by illness (swine flu) and sitting my A-levels. Now that they're done, I'm free to roam around and have adventures and enjoy my summer, which is a glorious thing. Providing I pass my A-Levels and get at least three B's I should be on my way to the University of York in October to read English Literature and Language in Education, and that is an awfully big adventure, don't you think? I'll be properly packing up and moving out... which is really scary but I'm thrilled about it. I'm just hoping I've done enough to get there! So in the time I've been absent from blogging I've been up and down to York to visit and decide... and take part in Guiding things and conferences and what not! That was fun! I can't wait to join societies and get my leadership qualifications to lead a Brownie Pack! Hooray!

This time last year I was quite literally AT Disneyland Paris. It's phenomenal and rather frightening how quickly this year has flown by, I'm struggling to get over it to be quite honest with you but it has been an absolute whirl. I applied for and got a place on Outward Bound and unlike this time last year when I was badgering you for comments and wishing that you'd read this blog so that I could recount my adventures from camp, this year I can't do that. I'll be in the wilderness, camping and making friends and trekking and jogging and dipping and all sorts of really adventurous things!

Crikey, I've had a busy year. I wish I could sit here and type out everything I can remember about what I've done but, 1) I fear that would be insanely boring and 2) I am still a busy woman!

Believe it or not my summer isn't actually as free as you might think! Well, if you know me you might already think/know I can't really do actually "doing nothing" so...
I'm very busy with choir rehearsals at the moment because I'm preparing for final concerts and a trip to Bavaria and perhaps most importantly our trip to the Royal Albert Hall in August to perform Mendelssohn's Elijah with many other choirs and Paul McCreesh! AAH!

I'll love you and leave you for now, I really want to update this and my other blogs more, so watch out with hope! Please!

Stay adventurous,