Tuesday, 18 May 2010
It's all hotting up!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Progress in exciting times!

We also had a murder mystery night! We all got dressed up and acted out the bits from the script! It was absolutely hilarious! Helen even sparked the kettle off!

I'm the one with the big black fascinator hat and the silly fishnet tights (I've had my hair cut since :P)
Friday, 7 May 2010
Hello new blog and a new stage of my life!
So, this year (in about 9 weeks time :o) I'm going to be flying out to Guiding Mosaic Canada 2010, which is an international Girl Guide camp! I'm so excited, and one particular thing that is getting me really pumped about the whole experience is being offered the chance to blog for the camp!
This was my original entry... I hope you enjoy it!
I've been involved with Girl Guiding since I was five, and so far have loved every minute of it! I have learnt so much, made so many new connections, and hope that these experiences shape me as a person for the rest of my life. There are people from all walks of life that I never thought I'd be such good friends with that I have bonded with over a soggy washing up cloth and a string puppet who have become the people I want to spend my time with; helping others and being part of a team. I am extremely proud to be part of such an amazing organisation, and the experiences that Guiding has brought me will surely stay with me forever. I have always loved documenting things, keeping an entertaining blog for the past year (http://imnotgoingtolietoyou.blogspot.com) and telling stories, and throughout my guiding experiences, I have been encouraged to express myself and discover aspects of my true personality, and I would like to thank Guiding for this. I am sure that without Guiding, I would not be the person I am today, and surely a less interesting person. What inspires me about this organisation is the sense of togetherness, to better each others and other people's lives. There are no aspects of jealousy or selfishness, just coming together to have a great time whilst making a difference in a huge number of ways. I am extremely excited and honoured to be a part of this amazing camp, and hope that everyone I know and will come to know through it will take from it as much as I will, and continue to pursue a life made better by Guiding.
(I'll be posting more things about how we're all getting organised with our Team from Durham, U.K. if you follow this link http://www.hazelgoesoutandabout.blogspot.com)
Stay adventurous,